

Horizon - AKAX Foliar - Bionutrición

AKAX® Foliar Plus Zn+Mn+B has been specially developed for periods when these elements are crucial, such as pollination, flowering and fruit set.

A lack of these micro-elements can lead to interveinal chlorosis and decreased vegetative growth, which hinders development and productivity in fruit crops such as citrus.

Using AKAX® Foliar Plus Zn+Mn+B prevents these deficiencies and promotes better flowering and fruiting with bigger, more fertile pollen, greater pollen-tube growth, more attractive flowers with more nectar and less fruit drop, for a better crop of larger fruit.


  • Better flowering
  • Fruit set
  • Bigger crop
  • Larger fruit


L-α-amino acids

Total nitrogen (N)

Organic nitrogen (N)

Total organic material

Boron (B)

Manganese (Mn)

Zinc (Zn)










100 g/L

0.2 g/L

0.2 g/L

1.48 g/L

8 g/L

8 g/L

6 g/L



Horticultural and field crops:

  • Foliar application: 2-3 mL/L
  • Localised or drip irrigation: 10-15 L/ha

Fruit trees:

  • Foliar application: 5-10 mL/L
  • Localised or drip irrigation: 15-20 L/ha

Apply 2 to 4 times during the crop cycle, depending on Zn, Mn and B needs. For citrus and other row crops, it is very important to apply the product before symptoms appear.

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Bionutrition: AKAX® Micromix

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