

AKAX® Seaweed is a fruitset biostimulant based on a 10% seaweed concentrate and amino acids.

AKAX® Seaweed is composed of aminoacids, polysaccharides, alginic acids, mannitol, and hormonal promoters that stimulate cell division during key processes of fruiting (fruit-setting and fruit development).

The free amino acids are used by the plant to increase its photosynthetic activity and other metabolic processes, thus reducing the stress factors, and mobilizing the complex key nutrients during fruit setting.

When used regularly, AKAX® Seaweed stimulates growth, increase post-flowering, and fruit set. Likewise, it standardizes their size, increases yield, and lengthens their post-harvest fruit shelf life.


  • Induces cell division
  • Reduces apical dominance
  • Delays senescence
  • Increases nutrients mobility
  • Improves weight, size and color
  • Increases the size of the rachises


L-α-amino acids

Total nitrogen (N)

Organic nitrogen (N)

Ascophyllum nodosum extract





100 g/L

0.2 g/L

0.2 g/L

220 g/L


Horticultural and field crops:

  • Foliar application: 2-3 mL/L
  • Localised or drip irrigation: 10-15 L/ha

Fruit trees:

  • Foliar application: 5-10 mL/L
  • Localised or drip irrigation: 15-20 L/ha

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Bionutrition: AKAX® Foliar Plus

Bionutrition: AKAX® Ca+Mg

Bionutrition: AKAX® Micromix